This work is a collection of apparel designs ideated and executed, that are sold out and or with the purpose of selling. All of the work presented here is either client commissions or personal projects.
Nightmare & Terror T-Shirt Design (White on black)
Within this two part t-shirt design, I was thinking about finding ways to depict these notions of bodily temperatures fluctuating, coinciding with the nature that the world brings for us to experience. Stripping some of the language on the wall from my type installation, “The Closed Room: I Am” and placing it on a t-shirt felt just as compelling as a way to also bring thought provoking conversations outside of this room. 
Internal Haywire T-Shirt Design (Black on white)
Within this piece, I wanted to emphasize and focus on the utilization of abstraction. Incorporating abstraction and the treatment of lines, as a way to convey the notions of anxiety, erratic and manic tendencies being released from the individual, depicted in the t-shirt design. This was executed with curvatures and rigid lines in mind.​​​​​​​
Custom Short Design
Summer Nights
This was a small merchandise collection concept inspired by intimacy and nightlife; a node to the owners' previous involvement and employment in the Washington, DC entertainment business. I wanted to depict, but not limited to, the activities and notions produced from a season of being submersed in feelings of euphoria and bonding.
The first design was galvanized by the quote, “Here’s to the nights we won’t remember, with the friend’s we’ll never forget.” And the second one, was inspired by closeness with a loved one. Keeping in mind that sensations and happiness that come with moments like these subside at some point, this in turn resulted in the texts incorporated into the design, “Let’s keep it going, the night’s not over” and “I wish these nights could last forever.”
JUSDE4THQTR Shock Drop Tees
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